Social law
The department of social law has an extensive track record and sound expertise in the fields of labour law and the social security law. We think here of (this summary is not exhaustive):
- Individual labour law: drawing up employment contract and social security advice, analysing and drawing up employment regulations, preparing and supervising recruitments and dismissals, handling suspension issues, setting salaries and expenses, acquiring work permits and residence permits, etc.;
- Collective labour law and corporate organisation: social elections, strike action, mass redundancy, negotiation and editing of collective labour agreements, stipulation of the powers of Joint Committees, etc.;
- Social security law: employee social security, especially with regard to unemployment laws and the establishment of social security contributions (social security status of the registered worker, availability of employees), etc.;
- Social criminal law: welfare at work, problems with the employment of foreign nationals, prohibited provision, undeclared work, industrial accidents, cascade liabilities, etc.
We offer advice and assistance to companies, private individuals and government institutions. This enables us to establish links with social secretarial and administrative offices, public prosecution services, accountants, etc.
The aim is to act preventively and to solve problems. Firstly, by preventing disputes by means of healthy and balanced agreements. Then, by negotiating a constructive solution. At the same time, we also have an extensive track record in conducting social law procedures.
In addition, we also supervise companies in their negotiations with professional organisations and we assist with inspections carried out by the inspection services.
Finally, Everest Attorneys offers added value by means of close co-operation between the different departments. With regard to social law, the departments of corporate law, tax law and fraud prevention work together closely.